Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Odysseus' encounter with Aeolus

Odysseus encounters the God of winds Aeoulus while on his trip back home. When he encounters Aeoulus, the god of winds decides to help him along his journey by giving him a gift. Aeoulus presents him with a bag of winds. He gives him all of the winds bagged up except the westerly winds that way when he sails home he will sail in a straight line rather then in a zig zag. Odysseus and his men start to sail home and they get so close that they can see the island, but one of Odysseus' men open the bag because curiousity gets the best of them releasing the winds. The winds gets released and blows them all the way to Circe's island. I believe this happened not because of Odysseus or his men, but because thats the way the author intended it to be so it would be a better storyline. If i had to put blame on someone i would say it is Odysseus's fault because he was not completely honest with his men. If he would have been honest the whole thing would have been avoided.

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